Fernando Garcín nos sorprende con Untitled Love (Amor sin título)

Fernando Garcín no te deja indiferente, no solo por sus letras o su música si no también por su voz que te arrastra a su mundo, un mundo que ves pasar pero en el que te quedas. Su poesía ve los árboles del bosque y así nos descubre un bosque múltiple, único e individual, que aúna una mirada que ama cada hoja. Fernando escribe poemas que rozan el tiempo con un guante de seda, poemas para montarse sobre su ritmo y ver el paisaje pasar.
Poesía y música, canción hablada, poetemas del poetante, imágenes y... Fernando Garcín.
Y en este 2011, desintegrador, de pestilencias y mierdas al descubierto, ¡gracias a los cielos y a las lluvias! nos regala otro álbum: Amor sin título (Untitled Love).
Y dice carpe diemtante el poema de Barbara Decesare que da título al álbum: “Un amor anónimo, callejero y vagabundo, todos lo serán, humeante vapor de patinadores en el cemento de unos días sin nombre ni mérito. Solamente el brillo...”
Todas las canciones han sido escritas por Fernando Garcín excepto “Untitled Love”, que es un poema de Barbara Decesare. En el Amor sin título han participado músicos como: Javier García Sevilla, Héctor Cebrián, Carlos Carrasco, Sebastian Weisman, Jesús García Roldán, Clara Smeaton y Juan Carlos Sanjuán, más Jordi Sanjuan y Néstor Mir.
Airport Song
I didn’t notice how much
you slipped in my pocket
I didn’t notice how much
my heart was beating
There’s an airport close to every house
There’s a plane that lands or flies
close to your home or mine
I didn’t hear what you told me
about the rainy days
I didn’t feel your fingers
touching my face of glass
There’s an airport close to every house
there’s a plane that lands or flies
close to your home or mine
I was not there
when you opened your eyes and looked around
I was living the night
when you opened your wings
at dawn
Y cierra con:
Crimson King (Rey Escarlata)
Tonight there are no States nor things
Tonight there are no scooters except oranges
Tonight life crashes the cymbals of the empire
Angels and frogs wake fish up from lethargy
There are no objects, lady, because there are no subjects
There are no behaviour analyses nor eternal passports
There are no scientists no popes
Nobody loves anything, just lovers and clowns
In the court of the Crimson King
Tonight the rubbish bags dance waltzes
Tonight the factory products are delirious
Tonight there are no guards nor alarms
Plate-spinners stroke Mozart with baby fingers
Limousines driven by teenagers of yesteryear
There are no plastic paradises, nor masters of napalm
Spinoza’s guffaws, baby blue’s whimpers
Not any dream saved, just deep advice
In the court of the Crimson King
Tonight there are no unemployment queues nor full piggybanks
Tonight there are no little sisters of mercy nor lice
Tonight the warriors skate in the parks
Young maids serve dinner in public toilets
There are no rubber elephants, lady, there are no kangaroos
Barflies administrate borders with broken mirrors
Cinderella frees butterflies from the judges’ robes
Bottichelli organizes orgies on the beaches of God
Tonight there are no promised lands
Tonight there is no remorse,
No reasons nor guilt
Tonight forgetfulness breaks down laws in the basement
Goodbye cruel world
Welcome, playtime
Without concepts or homelands, just fair-lights
The Three Kings give Elvis back his lost Cadillac
No hungry heart will stop beating tonight
In the court of the Crimson King
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